Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. Acupressure was developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. Using the power and sensitivity of the hand, Acupressure Therapy is effective in the relief of stress-related ailments and is ideal for self-treatment and preventive health care for boosting the immune system.
Acupressure is a technique for diagnosing and treating diseases based on energy imbalances. The system requires no drugs or surgery. This principle philosophy is based on the existence of different meridians (energy levels) that flow throughout the body. These meridians interact with the nervous system and other organs of the body. Besides physical illness, the system also plays a role in the modulation of mental disorders. Deficient or excess or deficient energy in these channels are responsible for the ailments. Acupressure improves the energy flow by unblocking the various channels in the body system and achieves a balanced harmony. The digital massage is also known to release the muscle spasms and allow for toxin removal and movement of blood. The detoxification of the body leads to a gradual improvement in the functioning of the organ systems.
Acupressure massage therapy stimulates and activates the body’s own energies to help fight illness and restore harmony. Some of the acupressure points are significant as they relate to a specific part of the body while others are more general in their effect. IT has been accepted as a safe, effective and painless technique to help individuals with various ailments. It is claimed that having acupressure once a week, decreases the chance of developing many illnesses.
According to acupressure, a human’s body has fourteen meridian all over his body, that works as a transportation of chi (life energy) into the whole body. Acupressure's healing touch reduces tension, increases circulation, and enables the body to deeply relax. By relieving stress, acupressure therapy is able to strengthen resistance to disease and promote wellness.
Main effects of Acupressure on the human body
Common Benefits:
• Relieve stress and tension
• Relax mind and body
• Increase blood circulation
• Aid in the removal of toxic wastes
• Provide relief from head, neck and shoulder aches
• Promote the healing of injuries
• Increase energy levels
• Increase the overall feeling of well-being
• Decreasing labor pains
Acupressure - Indian Knowledge
A form of touch therapy that utilizes the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure is a lot like Acupuncture. The same pressure points are used in both systems. The only difference is that while Acupuncture relies on the use of needles to stimulate the pressure points, Acupressure is non-invasive. In Acupressure, the practitioner makes use of the fingertips to apply pressure.
Herbal remedies, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Acutouch, Shiatsu, diet, lifestyle changes, and meditation are all a part of the comprehensive healing techniques found in China. Legend has it that both Acupuncture and Acupressure developed when early Chinese healers treated the wounds of warriors. These systems of healing came to the West in the 1970s.
Acupressure, like Acupuncture, is based on the Chinese belief of Yin and Yang. Unlike medical practices in the West, Chinese Medicine does not consider the body as a separate entity. Both body and mind work together to form the person. This disease cannot be diagnosed as the breakdown of a purely physical system. The damage starts from the inside and slowly spreads to the organs and expresses itself. The ordinary man is so removed from his own body that he cannot detect the underlying cause of his disease.